Job Seekers

Permanent Work

Our staff are always looking for people ready to commit to a permanent role. During our screening process, we will develop an idea of what you would like to do. This allows us at Unite Recruit to ensure that we have the right candidate before placing you in a role that fits. We are always excited when a member of our time comes to us and says they’re ready to seek a permanent role. We will do everything we can to find a position that suits as well as providing you with support throughout your role.

Many of the roles brought to us at Unite Recruit offer some kind of opportunity for potentially permanent roles. Such as temporary to permanent. As well as these temporary to permanent roles, some of our clients are looking for new members of their teams permanently. These permanent roles can range in job descriptions and we aim to provide you with all of the information before you agree to take on a role. 

Permanent Staff

Our staff are always looking for people ready to commit to a permanent role. We work to give you the best jobs that we think are suitable based on the information we gather during our initial screening. Through this screening, we build an idea of what you’re looking for. Whether you’re looking for a role temporarily before you decide that it’s something that you would like to do permanently or if you have already found what you would like to do and you’re looking for a change of scenery. Unite Recruit is here to make your transition as smooth as possible.

We pride ourselves on the deep pool of talent that we have developed and we would love to have you as a member of our team. Whatever kind of position you’re looking for. If permanent work seems like something you would like the pursue and you’re motivated to work. The team will find something that works for you.

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