Job Employers

Logistics Staff

Through our experience working in the recruiting business, our staff know exactly what they’re looking for when it comes to logistics. Whether you’re looking for drivers, analysts or managers to oversee the workings of your business. Unite Recruit has the right candidates for the job. 

We strive to provide you with the best people for the business in the quickest possible time. We understand the pace and complexities of dealing with on-demand requirements, we are here to make your operations, teams and targets run smoothly and efficiently. At Unite Recruit we will do the work for you. You tell us what you’re looking for and we will provide a member of our team that can fulfil that exact description.

Logistic Staff
Logistic Staff

We are confident in our abilities due to our track record of consistently providing great staff. This consistency comes from our screening process. Before hiring out any members of our team, they’re extensively screened by a member of our internal team. This screening process focuses on determining the strengths and weaknesses of the individual and the kind of role they’re looking for. During this screening process, we also determine whether the candidate has any additional qualifications such as a forklift license.

At Unite Recruit, we aren’t in the business of not delivering on promises. If we think that a candidate doesn’t exactly fit what you’re looking for. We will contact you and discuss whether a particular area of your job description is essential before deciding on whether they fit what you’re looking for.

Providing quality staff isn’t always easy but we make it look easy. We know that if you’re looking for freight transport managers or a new member of your team to focus on job pricing. You’ve come to the right place. During our screening process we make sure that all of our recruits have the relevant classifications to complete the job to a high level. We are in the position where we can find you exactly what you’re looking for in a reasonable timeframe. 

The companies that we have worked alongside have shown us that we know what we are doing when it comes to screening and recruiting the right personnel for the job. Looking at the fine details and identifying how each person can succeed in the position they’re put in has helped us realise what works and doesn’t work.

Logistic Staff
Logistic Staff

We have recruits that are looking for a career in logistics and we believe that they have what it takes to succeed. The skills that we identify during the initial screening process allow us to determine whether they will be a good fit for what you’re trying to accomplish. Throughout the search, if we find someone who fits the majority of the criteria but may be missing something, we will contact you and have a chat about whether that area is specifically needed for the position. 

Moving forward with you, we aim to assist in any way possible. From the start of the placement with the recruit to when the placement is underway, we will stay in contact with you and help you with any troubles that you may be having. We give all of our recruits a complete rundown of what the job will entail before you meet them. We found that this gives them a little bit of an insight into how you work and whether they think they’ll be a good fit.

Getting your feedback is always important to us and allows us the opportunity to improve on how we offer our service. We look forward to working alongside you and building a lasting relationship through our honesty and transparency.

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